- Monochromatic Scenes:
- The monochromatic color scheme is composed of any single hue taken through a range of value and chroma.
- Monochromatic paintings often have an antique feel.
- Warm and Cool:
- Some languages have only two words to describe a color.
- One for Warm colors and one for cool.
- A color can be warm next to a cooler color and cool next to a different warm color.
- Triadic Color schemes and Color Accent:
- These two forms and systems of painting can emphasize specific parts of a painting.
- an artist can choose where they want to lead the eye and how to define the focus point.
- A color accent is any small area of color that is noticeably different from the rest of the colors in the composition.
- can be used for main focus and to unify a piece.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Oct, 19: Color Relationship
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