Friday, October 5, 2018

Oct. 5: Graphic L.A.

  • "A curious, less tense mind makes better choices and observations"
    • if that's the case I must be pretty unobservant

Related image
  • Steps:
  • 1. Shape 
  • 2. color
  • 3. foreground
  • 4. Details
  • 5. Forming shape
  • 6. cleaning edges
  • 7. Last minute Adjustments

  • Sources of Light
  • Overcast Light: Colors seem brighter and purer than in direct sunlight. 
  • Window Light: Light coming through windows is usually bluish.
  • Direct Sunlight: Sun,blue sky, and reflected light. 
  • Candlelight and Fire Light: Yellow-orange in color.
  • Indoor electric Light: When painting with incandescent and fluorescent light consider, Relative Brightness, hardness or softness, and color cast.
  • Streetlights and Night Conditions: I'm gonna try some night painting

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