Friday, October 26, 2018

Oct. 26: Visual Perception

  • color blindness affects about 10% of the population.
  • our role as artists is to share the world how we see it with others so they can see it for themselves.
  • The visual brain processes tonal information separately from color information.
    • Tonal pathway of thought interprets the where
    • Color pathway interprets what.
    • specifically moonlight

  • Moonlight:
  • moonlight is a neutral or reddish colored light
  • is so close to the minimum threshold of our color receptors
  • why do so many artists paint moonlight with a blue or green tint?
  • Do we actually see it that way?

Related image

  • Edges and Depth:
  • Oversharpness in paintings happens because our eyes naturally adjust their focus to both  near and far objects 
  • This can confuse a viewer and should be adjusted so that the painter can emphasize the focus of the painting.

Image result for depth painting

  • Adaptation and Contrast:
  • shadows or planes are unaffected directly by the light receiving a complimentary contrast to the hue of the light source.
Image result for complementary color scheme 

  • The Munsell System:
  • These colors range in value from black(0) to white(10) and a range of chroma from least to most intense. thus creating a cylindrical shape.

  • The Yurmby color wheel:

  • Grays and Neutrals: 
  • use grays mixed from the color tint your painting to balance the contrast and harmonize the painting

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